Matthias Grimm

Professional training, career

1981 - 1985    Apprenticeship as a manual bookbinder (print finishing specialisation
                        handicraft at the bookbindery Werner Bart in Bern) at the Kunst-
                        gewerbeschule in Berne, with graduation
1988 - 1990    Master school with higher examination to become a federally certified
                        master bookbinder at the School of Design in Berne, with diploma
1990               Master craftsman course with diploma, School of Design in Berne
2001               Practical application/exchange of book restoration with Daniel Berthoud
                        in Wangen
2001 - 2020    Further education courses in book restoration at the centro del bel libro
2010 - 2011    PEX course for print media processors EFZ/EBA for experts with degree,
                        PBS Zollikofen

Current activity

Since 1993, own bookbindery in Twann and Schafis

Further information

1990    LAP expert activity, School of Design in Berne
1993    Teacher training courses for artistic design, LernWerk in Berne
2021    Teacher training courses for artistic design, Department for Elementary
             and Secondary Schools in Sarnen
2021    Head of training course and supervisor of the final year projects, Kurszentrum
            Ballenberg. Teaching experience at the Schule für Gestaltung Bern, Schule
            Twann-Tüscherz, Schule Rüeggisberg and YMCA Region Bern
