Privacy policy

We protect your privacy and your personal data. We collect, process and use your personal data in accordance with the content of these data protection acts and the applicable data protection regulations, in particular the Federal Act on Data Protection (FADP) and the Data Protection Ordinance (DPO), applicable since 1st September 2023. These data protection acts regulate which personal data we collect, process and use relating to you.
We therefore ask you to read the following information carefully.

The body responsible for the current data protection acts, which is applicable since 1st September 2023:

Dieter Kläy / centro del bel libro ascona
Viale St. Franscini 30
CH-6501 Bellinzona

President centro del bel libro: Dieter Kläy
Link to legal notice page: //

Your rights
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the following rights:

  • Information about your data and its processing,
  • Correction of your personal data or deletion of your data stored by us
  • Limitation in data processing, or if we are not allowed to delete data due to legal obligations
  • Opposition to the processing of your data
  • Transfer of data if you have entered into a contract with us or if you have authorization for data processing.

If consent is granted, it may be revoked at any time.

If you have any complaints, please contact the supervisory authority responsible for your complaint. This is located in your state of residence, place of work, or location of suspected infraction. 

Principles of data processing: When processing data, we take into consideration the processing principles of lawfulness, proportionality, purpose limitation, transparency - in particular the honouring of information obligations - and data security.

Personal data: Personal data within the meaning of these data protection acts, is all information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter "data subject"). This includes in particular your name, your e-mail address, your address and your telephone number as well as your date of birth. Personal data also includes informations about your use of our website. In this context, we collect the following personal data from you: Informations about your visits to our website, such as the extent of data transfer, the location from which you retrieve data from our website and other connection data and sources that you retrieve. This is usually done through the use of log files and cookies. Further information on log files and cookies can be found below.

Purpose of data processing
Your personal data will only be used for the purposes stated in this Privacy policy. We refrain from transmitting your personal data to third parties for purposes other than those stated. Your personal data will only be passed on to third parties in the following cases:

  • If you have given your express consent
  • When processing is required to process a contract
  • If processing is required to comply with a legal obligation
  • If processing is required to protect legitimate interests
  • If there is no reason to believe that you have an overriding interest in the non-disclosure of your data

    Purpose of use: We use your personal data exclusively to process your orders and for business purposes, in particular for the following purposes:

    Visiting the website: IP address; location/GPS data; name of the website file accessed; date and time of access; amount of data transferred; notification of successful access; browser type and version; the user's operating system; the page previously visited; your IP address and the requesting provider for the purpose of administrating the centro del bel libro ascona website.
    In order to provide the services you have requested; in particular with regard to contact forms for booking courses or ordering vouchers: first and last name; address; e-mail address and telephone number.
    With regard to subscribing to our newsletter/blog: First name; surname; home address; telephone number; email address; date of birth for marketing purposes to inform you about courses, events and products (e.g. gift vouchers) that may be of interest.

    Deletion or blocking of your data
    Data reduction and data economy are important to us. Your data will therefore only be stored for as long as is necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned herein or is required by the legislator. Your personal data will be routinely blocked or deleted after the fulfillment of the purpose or after the expiry of the deadlines according to the legal regulations.

    Use of online tracking and online advertising technologies
    We use various techniques on our website, with which we and third parties engaged by us can recognise you when you use our website and, under certain circumstances, track you over several visits.

    Essentially, this enables us to distinguish your access (through your system) from access by other users and ensure the functionality of the website and help us to carry out analyses and customisations. We do not want to draw conclusions about your identity, even if we can, insofar as we or third parties engaged by us can identify you by combining this with registration data. However, even without registration data, the technologies used are designed in order that you are recognised as an individual visitor each time you visit the site, for example by our server (or the servers of third parties) assigning you or your browser a specific identification number (so-called "cookie").

    Cookies are individual codes (e.g. a serial number) that our server or a server of our service provider or advertising contract partner transmits to your system when you connect to our website and that your system (browser, mobile) accepts and stores until the programmed expiry date. Each time you visit our website again, your system transmits these codes to our server or the server of the third party. This allows us to recognise you, even if your identity is unknown.

    Other techniques can also be used to recognise you with a greater or lesser degree of probability (i.e. to distinguish you from other users), e.g. "fingerprinting". Fingerprinting combines your IP address, the browser you are using, the screen resolution, language selection and other information that your system communicates to each server, resulting in a more or less unique fingerprint. In this way, cookies can be dispensed with.

    Whenever you access to a server (e.g. when using a website or an app or because an image is visibly or invisibly integrated in an email), your visits can therefore be "tracked". If we integrate offers from a contractual advertising partner or provider of an analysis tool on our website, they can track you in the same way, even if you cannot be identified in individual cases.

    We use such techniques on our website and allow certain third parties to do the same. You can programme your browser to block or deceive certain cookies or alternative technologies or to delete existing cookies. You can also add software to your browser that blocks tracking by certain third parties. You can find more information about this on the help pages of your browser (usually under the heading "Data protection") or on the websites of the third parties listed below.

    With your authorisation (see section 5), you can use the full functionality of the website. Otherwise, only the essential cookies that are absolutely necessary and required for the website to function properly, will be set.

    Google Tag Manager: This website uses the "Google Tag Manager" service, provided by Google Ireland Limited. Informations on the handling of user data can be found in the privacy policy: 

    Google Analytics: Our website uses the "Google Analytics" service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Informations on the handling of user data can be found in the privacy policy:

    Google Maps: This website uses the "Google Maps" service provided by Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland. Informations on the handling of user data can be found in the privacy policy:

    YouTube: This website uses the "YouTube" service provided by Google Ireland Limited. Informations on the handling of user data can be found in the privacy policy:

    What other third-party services do we use? We use third-party services to send messages and use external payment service providers. We may transfer personal data to these third parties on the basis of our legitimate interests.

    Microsoft 365: This website uses the "Microsoft 365" service from Microsoft Corporation. Further informations are available in the privacy policy:

    SparkPost: This website uses the "SparkPost" service from Automattic Inc. You can find more informations in the privacy policy:

    SSL encryption
    We use state-of-the-art encryption (e.g. SSL) with HTTPS, to ensure the security of your data during transmission.

    You have expressly agreed to receive our newsletter or similar information at regular intervals. We will send them to the e-mail address you have provided.

    We only need your e-mail address to send you the newsletter. The data you provide will only be used for this purpose. We reserve the right to inform our subscribers with e-mail about other circumstances (e.g. changes to the newsletter offer or technical circumstances).

    To register successfully, you need a valid e-mail address. To check the validity, we use the "double opt-in" procedure. We log the newsletter order and send you a registration confirmation. Please confirm this registration. We do not require any further data. Your details will be used exclusively for sending the newsletter and will not be passed on to third parties.

    You can cancel your subscription to our newsletter at any time. You will find the link to unsubscribe in the respective newsletter. You can also unsubscribe directly on our website or send us your request using the contact option at the end of this privacy policy.

    Changes to our Privacy policy
    In order to meet current legal requirements or to implement changes in our services (e.g. in the introduction of new services), we reserve the right to adapt this data protection declaration. Your next visit will be subject to the new privacy policy.

Questions to the Data protection officer
Please contact us directly via the following contact information in our organization:

Dieter Kläy
President centro del bel libro