Kylin Lee

Professional training, career
Kylin Lee Achermann is an American born hand bookbinder and craftsperson. After earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in Photography and Cognitive Science, Kylin dedicated eight years to working for and learning from Master Bookbinder Daniel Kelm at The Wide Awake Garage in Easthampton, MA.

Current Position
In 2007 Kylin established her own studio producing small editions of artist books and fine press books. Kylin Lee Artisan Studio, Bookbinding and Design.
Her work focuses on contemporary bookbinding and uses traditional techniques and materials as a launching point for the design and creation of a variety of beautiful and functional objects.
Kylin has been engaged in teaching at the centro del bel libro in Ascona as well as in other locations around Europe.

Area of Speciality
Since moving to Switzerland in 2010, she has focused on developing new book and box structures utilizing a wide range of traditional and modern materials. Specialty box and packaging design.

