Practical Approaches in Book and Paper Conservation

Monday, 24. July 2023 to Friday, 28. July 2023
Course location Ascona

This course is intended to offer participants the opportunity to critically review and discuss various techniques and their approaches in book and paper conservation as well as in exhibition related work. It is meant to be an overview of well-known and innovative conservation techniques, which will be demonstrated and reviewed by the participants. Furthermore, there will be ample time for discussions and suggestions. Topics covered include attaching loose boards, rebacking materials, alum-tawed parchment as a repair material, tips for paper repairs, using cast pulp paper in paper conservation, ideas how to mount books for exhibition displays, and other helpful tips.
This course is best suited for participants with prior knowledge in book and paper conservation.

Renate Mesmer
5 days
Centro del bel libro, Via Collegio 17, CH-6612 Ascona
German and English
CHF 1’150.00
Book- and paper restorers and interested persons with previous experience