Course registration

Please fill out the fields marked with a *.

Home address
Enter billing address
I am a member of the centro del bel libro ascona.
Important: indicate the date of the certificate of final apprenticeship or send information about your professional activity.
Files must be less than 64 MB .
Allowable file extensions: gif jpg jpeg png txt rtf html pdf doc docx odt ppt pptx odp xls xlsx ods xml bz2 dmg gz Jar rar sit tar zip .
The responsibility for insurance against accident and civil responsibility lies with the participants.
The CBL can offer a listing of accommodation.
Please send me an application form for financial assistance for accommodation and fees.

With this registration you agree that we store and process your data in our data pools, as well as your activities in our school, your picture, the picture of your creation and final product (e.g. restored book cover, book cover etc.) and finally to link with us in the social medias (Facebook, Instagram). Our general privacy policy applies. *

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